You are here: Understanding the Meridian event procedures > About the document generic events

About the document generic events

These are events that do not fall under any of the other document event categories.

The events that occur for the document generic commands (in alphabetical order) are shown in the following lists in the sequence that they occur.

Change Document Type event sequence

Delete event sequence

Draft Print event sequence1

Issue New Filename event sequence

New Document event sequence4

Open in Application event sequence2

Prepare for Offline Work event sequence1

Redline event sequence

Refresh Thumbnail event sequence1

Rename event sequence

Replace Content event sequence1

  1. Does not occur in Web Access
  2. Occurs in Web Access when documents are downloaded.
  3. Does not occur when new documents are created by the Document Import Tool in PowerUser.
  4. Does not occur when new documents are created by the Database Import Wizard in Configurator.
  5. Occurs only if Client.Confirmation (AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD) = False and Document.ParentFolder is not a valid folder.
  6. Occurs only if Client.Confirmation (AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD) = True and Document.ParentFolder is not a valid folder.
  7. Does not occur if the Refresh thumbnail button on the Document page is clicked.
  8. Occurs only if an expression is configured for the Calculate file name option of the document type.

Each of the document generic event procedures is described in the following topics.

Related information

DocGenericEvent_AfterCreateReference event

DocGenericEvent_AfterDeleteReference event

DocGenericEvent_AfterEditRedlines event

DocGenericEvent_AfterReplaceContent event

DocGenericEvent_BeforeCreateReference event

DocGenericEvent_BeforeDeleteReference event

DocGenericEvent_BeforeEditRedlines event

DocGenericEvent_BeforeReplaceContent event

DocGenericEvent_*CalculateFilename events

DocGenericEvent_*ChangeDocumentType events

DocGenericEvent_*Delete events

DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected event

DocGenericEvent_*NewDocument events

DocGenericEvent_OnProperties event

DocGenericEvent_*OpenInApplication events

DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand event

DocGenericEvent_*PrepareForOffline events

DocGenericEvent_*Print events

DocGenericEvent_*Rename events

DocGenericEvent_*UpdateThumbnail events

The Meridian API constants